Future Generation

Investment and social returns.

About us

    Our unique model

    The Future Generation companies provide:

    Shareholders with exposure to leading Australian and global fund managers without paying management or performance fees. When you purchase shares in FGX or FGG, you receive exposure to the best boutique fund managers at no cost. The companies also seek to deliver a stream of fully franked dividends and capital growth.

    Charities with a stream of annual investments. Future Generation Australia focuses on charities that support children and youth at risk and Future Generation Global focuses on charities that support youth mental health. 1.0% of assets are invested in charities each year. This investment is less than the savings generated from foregone management, performance, service provider, Board and committee fees.

    Fund managers with a unique opportunity to make a positive difference to Australia’s future generations.

    Our story

    Geoff Wilson founded the Future Generation model in 2014 as a way for the funds management and finance industry to make a significant and ongoing impact to the community.

    Future Generation Australia

    (ASX: FGX)

    Founded in 2014 by Wilson Asset Management Geoff Wilson AO, Future Generation Australia offers investors the opportunity to gain unprecedented access to prominent Australian fund managers through a single ASX-listed investment vehicle and also support Australian charities focused on children and youth at risk.

    The Company offers diverse exposure to Australian equities through a range of different investment styles and strategies employed by its fund managers.

    Future Generation Global

    (ASX: FGG)

    Listed in 2015, Future Generation Global is Australia’s first internationally focused listed investment company (LIC) with the dual objectives of providing shareholders with diversified exposure to global equities and changing the lives of young Australians affected by mental illness.

    Future Generation Global offers investors the opportunity to gain unprecedented access to prominent global fund managers through a single ASX-listed investment vehicle.

    Investing in our future generations

    The objectives of the companies are to provide shareholders with an attractive investment and an ongoing source of funding for Australian charities, with a focus on children and youth at risk and youth mental health.

    The Future Generation fund managers do not charge management or performance fees, allowing the companies to donate 1.0% of assets to the supported charities each year.

    Future Generation Australia has partnered with eight charities that provide a significant benefit to children and youth at risk. Future Generation Global has partnered with 10 charities focused on youth mental health.

    Get in touch

    Get in touch.

    We enjoy talking to our shareholders, so should you have any questions, or would simply like to know more, we encourage you to get in touch.

    Email. [email protected]
    Telephone. +61 2 9247 9202

    Get in touch with us
    Our networks
    Contact our share registry

    For matters related to your share holding, please contact our share registry:


    Share "%ArticleName%"


    How to invest with us.

    Shares in our LICs are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

    To become a shareholder, simply buy shares through a stockbroker, financial adviser, wrap or platform.

    For more information, please call us on +61 29247 9202 or email [email protected]
