Future Generation


How to invest with Future Generation
Whether you are new to investing or are a seasoned investor, beginning your investment journey with ...
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News from our network

Keep updated with news from our pro bono fund managers and charities or any updates on Future Generation.


FGX and FGG announce full year results

FGX announces record profit and increased fully franked dividend FGG announces full year results
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Best Australian share funds of 2017

The best performing Australian shares fund in 2017 was managed by Bennelong Australian Equity ...
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FGX charity in focus: ACMF

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Lower-cost investing with attractive returns and social payout

Louise Walsh

ASX-listed Future Generation funds have given millions to charities. The Future Generation ...
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FGX fund manager in focus: L1 Capital

To read the full Q & A from Mark Landau from L1 Capital, click here.
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FGX charity in focus: Youth Off The Streets

Established by Father Chris Riley in 1991, Youth Off The Streets works for young people who face ...
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How Geoff Wilson’s $6.8m funds aim to improve life for future generations

Australia's first intensive outpatient program for young people with eating disorders and a targeted...
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FGX fund manager in focus: Eley Griffiths Group

To read the full Q & A from Ben Griffiths, Director from Eley Griffiths Group click here.
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Get in touch with us
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How to invest with us.

Shares in our LICs are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

To become a shareholder, simply buy shares through a stockbroker, financial adviser, wrap or platform.

For more information, please call us on +61 29247 9202 or email info@futuregeninvest.com.au