Future Generation


How to invest with Future Generation
Whether you are new to investing or are a seasoned investor, beginning your investment journey with ...
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News from our network

Keep updated with news from our pro bono fund managers and charities or any updates on Future Generation.


Meet the Manager – Sean Fenton from Sage Capital

At Sage, you have two funds: the equity plus fund and the absolute returns fund. The former is...

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Q&A with Vicki Condon AM, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Raise Foundation

You set up Raise 14 years ago. How has the organisation evolved over ...

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Meet the Manager – Nick Griffin from Munro Partners

Can you describe your investment style?

Munro Partners is a global growth investor, so ...
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Q&A with Bernie Shakeshaft, Founder of BackTrack

Both BackTrack - and you personally - have won numerous awards, but ...

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Meet the Manager – Mark Landau from L1 Capital

Can you describe your investment style?

We are fundamental, bottom-up stock pickers. ...
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Q&A with Andrew Frakes, Principal of Giant Steps

What does your typical work day involve?

I start off by moving ...
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Meet the Manager – Jacob Mitchell from Antipodes

Can you describe your investment style?

We have a pragmatic value approach – that is, ...
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Q&A with Emma Tyers, Support Centre Manager at SANE Australia

What does your typical work day involve?

My work days are ...
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How to invest with us.

Shares in our LICs are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

To become a shareholder, simply buy shares through a stockbroker, financial adviser, wrap or platform.

For more information, please call us on +61 29247 9202 or email info@futuregeninvest.com.au