Future Generation


How to invest with Future Generation
Whether you are new to investing or are a seasoned investor, beginning your investment journey with ...
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News from our network

Keep updated with news from our pro bono fund managers and charities or any updates on Future Generation.


Fundies take fee for service approach to raising money for charity

Raising money for charity has never been easy, but in the last nine months a group of fund managers ...
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Fun heavyweights unite in power of good

It is meant to be the world of greed-loving Gordon Gekkos and Jordan Belforts, but could some of ...
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Geoff Wilson launches second charity LIC

Broker turned fund manager Geoff Wilson was yesterday able to launch his second charitable listed ...
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Investors click with LIC

Geoff Wilson’s new listed investment company hasn’t quite reached the lofty targets that would ...
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Charity fund manager Future Generation Investment posts $11.4m profit

Future Generation Investment Company, a venture where high profile fund managers run investment ...
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The changing face of philanthropy

When it comes to philanthropy Geoff Wilson, of Wilson Asset Management, has a new twist on an old ...
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Big names get behind Future Generation Global Company

The backing of a string of big corporate names and high-net-worth people has put Geoff ­Wilson’s ...
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Looking beyond profits

When celebrities speak to the media, they often do so on the condition that they can promote a ...
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How to invest with us.

Shares in our LICs are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

To become a shareholder, simply buy shares through a stockbroker, financial adviser, wrap or platform.

For more information, please call us on +61 29247 9202 or email info@futuregeninvest.com.au