Future Generation

Future Generation Women

An investment fund advancing economic equality and opportunity for women and their children in Australia

Investment objective

The Fund’s investment objectives are to provide a combination of income and capital growth over the medium-to-long term through investing in Australian and global equities.

Social objective

Future Generation Women wants to see Australia unlock its full potential – through increased participation by women – and become the fair, productive and competitive economy it can be. To help achieve this, Future Generation Women will donate an amount equal to 1% of the Fund’s average monthly net assets to non-profits advancing economic equality and opportunities for women and their children in Australia.

Investment Strategy

Future Generation Women provides investors with exposure to a diversified portfolio of Australian and global equities, managed by selected leading female fund managers. The Fund’s portfolio consists of a balanced mixture of various Australian and global equity strategies, including long and long/short equity.

The comparative performance benchmark are the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index for the Australian equity units and the MSCI AC World Index (AUD) for global equity units.


How to Invest

Wholesale Investors

Eligible Investors: For wholesale and sophisticated investors only.

Future Generation Women is now open for investment, with a minimum investment amount of AUD $250,000. Investors who apply prior to 31 March 2025 will be designated as Founding Investors of Future Generation Women.

For further information visit Boardroom’s Application Portal

or contact Caroline Gurney, Chief Executive Officer, Future Generation by emailing [email protected]

To learn more about Future Generation Women, read the full presentation here.


At Future Generation, we are proud to be Australia’s first listed investment companies to provide both investment and social returns.

We are passionate about engaging with our shareholders and the community. This includes keeping investors informed with the latest investment insights from our leading pro bono fund managers, invitations to our webinars and events, monthly investment updates and news from the not-for-profit organisations supported through our social investment.

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News & Media

Stay up to date with the latest news, media coverage, and announcements from Future Generation Women. Read the recent media coverage on our News webpage. Including; the Press Release, The Australian Business Review and The Australian Financial Review.

Fund Facts

Inception Date
2 December 2024
Asset Classes
Benchmark Index
S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index Australian Equity Units
MSCI AC World Index (AUD) Global Equity Units
Investment Timeframe
Medium to long term proposition,
at least 5 years
Minimum Initial Investment
AUD $250,000
Minimum Additional Investment
Minimum Withdrawal Amount
Minimum Balance
AUD $250,000
A Class (Australian equities) ETL1530AU
G Class (global equities) ETL3248AU
679 708 948
Social Investment
1% p.a.*
Management Fee
0% p.a.*
Performance Fee
0% p.a.

*The Fund proposes to make the Social Investment Amount (donations to not-for-profit organisations) being an annual donation equal to 1% of the average monthly NAV of the Class for the relevant financial year. We are able to do this because the fund managers have agreed to provide their services for 0% management fees.

Social Impact

Driving economic equality and opportunity

As financial investors, we will drive change by progressively bringing a gender-lens into investment decisions.

As social investors, we will drive change by backing high impact non-profits advancing economic equality and opportunity – and we intend to measure the impact.

As women in finance, we are the change – working in a male-dominated field in which the gender pay gap exceeds 20% and rates of women in leadership positions lags other industries.

1% social investment

Our Fund Managers, Investment Committee, Advisory team, and service providers including Citigroup, Equity Trustees and Boardroom, all play a crucial role in supporting Future Generation Women by generously waiving their fees and/or providing their services pro bono.

As a result, 1% of average monthly net assets are donated annually to non-profits working to advance economic equality and opportunity for Australian women and their children – our social impact.

Our focus and approach

Australia’s ranking on the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index for women’s economic participation and opportunity has dropped from 12th in 2006 to 42nd in 2024.

Closing this gap requires the actions of many to address key drivers: increasing women’s workforce participation; supporting female entrepreneurship; facilitating intergenerational wealth transfer and changing harmful attitudes about gender.

Future Generation Women will drive change on economic equality and opportunity by partnering with non-profits working on:

  • Boosting financial literacy and confidence
  • Enabling participation of Australian women most affected by economic inequality
  • Challenging and changing societal attitudes (gender norms) that perpetuate barriers to progress

We apply an investment approach to social impact, backing our non-profit partners with multi-year, untied funding and additional capital for capacity building, to growing their impact and organisations. Using a Theory of Change and Impact Measurement Framework, we track individual partner’s progress as well as the reach and impact of the portfolio as a whole.

Our leading fund managers

Australian Equities

Emma Fisher Portfolio Manager at Airlie Fund Managements
Catherine Allfrey Portfolio Manager at WaveStone Capital
Katie Hudson Portfolio Manager at Yarra Capital Management
Jun Bei Liu Portfolio Manager at Triebca Investment Partners
Julia Weng Portfolio Manager at Paradice Investment Management
Dawn Kanelles Head of Australian Small and Mid-Cap Companies at First Sentier Investors

Global Equities

Nikki Thomas Portfolio Manager at Magellan Financial Group
Fleur Wright Portfolio Manager at Northcape Capital
Qiao Ma Portfolio Manager at Munro
Armina Rosenberg Co-Founder and Portfolio Manager at Minotaur
Vihari Ross Portfolio Manager at Antipodes Partners
Chanel Stuart-Findlay Senior Portfolio Manager at Plato Investment Management

Investment Committee

Anna Shelley Chief Investment Officer at AMP
Bruce Tomlinson Investment Director, Minderoo Foundation
Allison Hill State Chief Investment Office QIC
John Coombe Principal Consultant and a Director at investment consulting firm JANA
Suzanne Branton Chief Investment Officer at CareSuper
Geoff Wilson AO Chairman & Chief Investment Officer of Wilson Asset Management and Founder of Future Generation


Elana Rubin AM Chair of Australian Business Growth Fund, Non-Executive Director of Telstra & Dexus. Member of the Board of the RBA.
Marianne Perkovic Former Head of CBA Private and Investment Committee, Investment Committee member of Insignia’s Investment and Superannuation Business
Elizabeth Lewin Non-executive Director at Argo Investments, Former CEO of UBS Wealth Management
Natasha Stott Despoja AO Australian diplomat and former politician, Member of the United Nation’s Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

Document archive



Equity Trustees Limited (“Equity Trustees”) (ABN 46 004 031 298), AFSL 240975, is the Responsible Entity for Future Generation Women. Equity Trustees is a subsidiary of EQT Holdings Limited (ABN 22 607 797 615), a publicly listed company on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX: EQT).

This website has been prepared by Future Generation Women to provide you with general information only. In preparing this website, we did not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any particular person. It is not intended to take the place of professional advice and you should not take action on specific issues in reliance on this information. Neither Future Generation Women, Equity Trustees nor any of its related parties, their employees or directors, provide and warranty of accuracy or reliability in relation to such information or accepts any liability to any person who relies on it. Past performance should not be taken as an indicator of future performance. You should obtain a copy of the Product Disclosure Statement before making a decision about whether to invest in this product.

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How to invest with us.

Shares in our LICs are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

To become a shareholder, simply buy shares through a stockbroker, financial adviser, wrap or platform.

For more information, please call us on +61 29247 9202 or email [email protected]
