What do you enjoy most about your role?

I’ve always loved getting to know young people who are not only dealing with the toughest mental health conditions but are also passionate about using their experiences to help and educate others – it’s truly inspiring!


What is the most challenging aspect of your role?

Being OK with what you are able to achieve – there is so much suffering out there that you are always wanting to do more if you had more resources, but you do your best and need to be satisfied with that.

How will the challenges faced during the coronavirus crisis permanently shift the way SANE Australia supports people facing mental health issues?

Coronavirus has led SANE Australia to test and develop new resources faster than we otherwise would have, especially around peer-to-peer support. We’ve also moved services to the Cloud so that we can support more young people remotely. It’s taught us that while we can’t be certain about the future, we can develop a culture and capability that is flexible and responsive which gives us confidence to deal with whatever is thrown our way.

What are some of the key takeaways for SANE Australia from the Productivity Commission’s mental health inquiry report which was released in November?

The big takeaway for SANE Australia was the Productivity Commission’s call for a national program to reduce the stigma which holds people back from seeking help early on. It’s something we had been calling for before the release of the report. It’s incredibly important because while we’ve made great progress reducing the stigma around depression and anxiety, we still have a long way to go with more complex conditions.

What does it mean to have the support of Future Generation Global?

The support of Future Generation Global has been an absolute godsend in enabling us to connect with a whole new cohort of young people dealing with tough mental health conditions like schizophrenia and personality disorders. This support has enabled some of these young people to become national Peer Ambassadors who are actively working with SANE Australia to advocate for policy change, contribute to service development and, through their own stories, inspire other young people. Future Generation Global’s support is helping SANE Australia save lives.

About SANE Australia

SANE Australia is a national mental health charity making a real difference in the lives of people affected by complex mental health issues through support, research and advocacy. Today, SANE Australia engages with 830 young people daily through their digital stories, peer support forums, campaigns and Help Centre.

SANE Australia and Future Generation

The support of Future Generation Global has enabled SANE Australia to partner with young people and redesign and promote its digital services, particularly for those in their early 20s transitioning out of youth mental health services or experiencing complex conditions for the first time.

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