The Dividend Donation Plan (DDP) is an initiative that provides Future Generation shareholders the opportunity to donate all – or part – of their cash dividend directly to Future Generation’s not-for-profit partners.


Shareholders can elect the portion of their dividend they would like to donate, and which of the Future Generation not-for-profit organisations they’d like to donate to.


Please note, if a shareholder decides to participate in the DDP, the election made will apply in respect to each of the future cash dividend entitlements from the Company unless or until the shareholder changes their election. An election can be updated through InvestorServe or by requesting a new election form from Boardroom. 

Can I donate part of my dividends?

Yes. You can donate as little as 1% or as a much as 100% of your cash dividend payment.

Do donations made as part of the DDP form part of the Company’s annual donation to the designated not-for-profits?

No. Any donations made through the DDP are in addition to the annual donation made by the Company.

What initiatives will my donation support?

Donations to Future Generation’s social impact partners through the DDP will go towards the initiatives currently supported by the Company.

Will my entire donation go towards the partner not-for-profit organisations?

Yes. Donations made through the DDP are made directly from the Company to the partner not-for-profit organisations. No administrative costs are deducted by the Company or the share registrar.

How do I participate in the DDP?

To participate, you can make your election through InvestorServe or alternatively, contact the share registrar, Boardroom, on 1300 737 760.

Who can participate in the DDP?

Participation is limited to Australian residents for taxation purposes with ordinary shares in the Company as at the dividend record date and that are entitled to a cash dividend payment.

What if I have elected to participate in the DRP?

Shareholders who have elected to partially participate in the Company’s dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) and are entitled to a cash dividend payment can participate in the DDP. Shareholders who have elected to fully participate in the DRP, cannot also participate in the DDP.

Which not-for-profit organisation or organisations can I donate to?

Shareholders can elect to donate to one or more of the partner organisations supported by the Company. For further details, please refer to the Future Generation website.

What are the tax implications?

For Australian income tax purposes, the decision to donate all or part of your cash dividend entitlement will require you to declare the amount donated as assessable dividend income. However, donations of $2 or more to not-for-profit organisations with Deductible Gift Recipient status are tax deductible. A receipt detailing the amount donated will be issued to you by the selected social impact partner within a reasonable timeframe for your tax records. Please contact the organisation directly if you have any queries regarding your tax receipt.

Will donations affect my franking credits?

No. Donations made via the DDP will not affect available franking credits, which will be advised to you as normal on your dividend payment statement.

How will I know how much I have donated?

The Company’s share registrar, Boardroom, will issue you with a DDP statement setting out each designated social impact partner you have donated to and the donation amount.

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